



职位/角色: 老板
地点: Eagan,明尼苏达州
成立于: 2019

格斯·迪恩咖啡是黑人开的, 位于伊根皇冠现金官网南部的手工咖啡烘焙工坊, MN.

We started off with Gus Dean Coffee in my kitchen with a very tiny roaster roasting beans with the goal of repeatedly making something that's drinkable that friends and family would enjoy.  We started tasting and selling in the farmer’s markets which led to creating our line of signature coffee blends as well as seasonal offerings. 公司规模越来越大,发展速度也比我想象的快得多.  We still love pop-up tastings at markets and events around the Twin Cities to find our “coffee friends” and are now in several stores and a coffee shop. 85% of our customers are online, with customers from all over the country. 

Our growth includes adding cold brew products, which have become 20% of our business. 今年我们要开始制作冷啤酒罐头. 我们也正在向更大的商业空间进军. We are growing and will likely be in more stores in the next 12 to 18 months. 


格斯·迪恩咖啡是黑人开的, 位于伊根皇冠现金官网南部的手工咖啡烘焙工坊, MN. We are a coffee and cold brew manufacturer and our goal is to make a smooth coffee that’s fun to drink. Many coffee roasters focus on minutia or small details around their coffee, 这让很多喝咖啡的人认为他们需要Ph值.D. 要理解咖啡,它太复杂了. We are all about coffee that’s fun to drink and having the best experience wherever they’re drinking it. 


我创办这家公司有两个原因. 我喜欢咖啡,我有很强的创业精神. I spent my career as a mixed animal veterinarian, yet I always wanted to have my own business. 我觉得很多咖啡都烤过头了. 在我心中, I think the roasters were trying to create a flavor that represented their brand as opposed to allowing the coffee beans to have their flavor and to let that flavor come through. There’s a difference between thinking my coffee should taste a certain way instead of letting the beans speak and letting the coffee taste the way the beans are naturally supposed to taste.


我们的咖啡喝起来很有趣. Things that differentiate Gus Dean Coffee from a lot of other smaller independent coffee shops is that so often others offer over-roasted coffee, 哪种咖啡颜色更深, 苦, 烧焦的味道. 我们不这么做. We also don’t get into the minutia details or that ‘high society’ mentality around coffee, 好像我们不需要进入, 你知道, 它产生的高度和纬度, 和你在葡萄酒世界里看到的相似. 我们保持简单. 

我们注重个性化. We are about creating coffee moments when you are either going to drink coffee by yourself or with somebody special, 我们希望这是一次放松, 有趣的经历会陪伴你一整天. 我们想要接触到人们,告诉他们我们是玩得开心的, 喝咖啡,我们喜欢你,想了解你. That’s our brand; that’s our message. 这一切都是关于乐趣和联系. 在每一份咖啡订单上, I still have a handwritten note that I send to each person who orders.


一个持续的挑战是获得资金. 障碍是如此之高,它们使事情变得如此困难. 即使作为一个成功的小公司,也是有利可图的, 获得资金仍然很困难,这是一个巨大的挑战. 

我喜欢和人在一起,这很自然. The part that’s the most challenging for me is the things that I end up doing by myself for several hours with very little interaction with people or my customers.

最重要的是与我的客户见面并互动. 对我来说,这就是一切. I like being out there, seeing people, talking to people, sharing coffee stories. 我只是喜欢和人交流. And if someone tells me they don't like coffee, we usually connect over pets.

你和SCORE是什么关系? 分客户端 是什么影响了你向SCORE寻求帮助?



他们帮助解决了获得资金的挑战. SCORE is set up to help people that have a good idea or have an idea that they would like to explore and they don't necessarily come into it with a lot of money, 但他们愿意为之付出血汗. 他们不会坐在那里告诉你, “嗯,如果你没有十万美元的话, 你做不到的.这就是我觉得SCORE的独特之处. 它确实是为那些小的,几乎是微型的企业而设立的. 



Ron Seipp has been my mentor from day one and he’s been extremely helpful. 他总是接我的电话,回复我所有的邮件和问题, 他是我最大的支持者之一. Even though I was starting off really small, Ron never made me feel small. 他总是对潜力持乐观态度. You find a lot of times when you have a small business and are starting out, people have a way of reminding you that you’re small or too small for someone to be bothered with. I feel Ron and SCORE are very focused on that small individual startup and not the person that comes with an inheritance or four or five investors and a million dollars to play with. SCORE is set up for those people who have a good idea or have an idea that they would like to explore. 

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting a small business?

You have to be able to infuse your personality and your love into the product. 想办法做到这一点. 无论你做什么, it needs to have a part of you in it that can’t be replicated and that makes it unique. 你知道那里有成百上千的咖啡. And then what makes my coffee unique is my perspective and the way I approach what I call my “coffee friends” – my customers.


最重要的是要有一个导师,并依靠他. I would consider that personal connection more important than anything you can look up on the website. That is what separates SCORE from anything I can get online and research. Having a real-world person who’s in business makes all the difference in the world.


While we continue to grow, we’ve always tried our best to support other local, small businesses. That’s been one of the keys to the success of the business in terms of vendor relationships. When I work with other small businesses, they understand where I’m coming from.

We really want to be involved in the community and give back and support a lot of the local organizations and groups. Our Give Back coffee program is an opportunity for us to partner with community groups and social organizations to help create more awareness for their causes and help in their fundraising efforts.  作为少数族裔, we want a speak to that part of the business help other minority small businesses, 给一些鼓励和启发.   


9 years design engineering experience with 5 patents issued, 4 years global marketing management...

(952) 938-4570

版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

